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What We Do
Judy is exactly what I needed in a therapist. She provided me with realistic and practical changes that I could easily implement in my daily life. She validated my feelings, and really helped me work through some deeply rooted feelings of guilt and resentment. I am so thankful for Judy's wisdom and expertise.
Judy takes her time to get to know you as an individual as well as a couple. She only offers advice on what she believes to be "the whole story". I feel this is a very important trait as a therapist. She is very kind and honest. So far working with her has been easy to open up, but gets down to the issues very quick. I would recommend Judy to those who are trying to see a therapist for more than a few sessions.
I was worried that finding a local therapist in MN would result in an overly non-confrontational experience given the local culture here (I’m from the west coast and feel a lot better with a therapist that is direct and not worried about calling me out on things when appropriate). I’ve had some issues with local therapists in the past who were just a bit too indirect and overly comforting rather than constructive. Judy has been amazing - she is direct and straightforward, but always in a very compassionate way. I often feel like I’m talking with a trusted mentor who is there to guide me without shame but won’t be afraid to correct me if I’m going in the wrong direction. This is exactly the balance of directness I was hoping for. I’ve already started feeling so much better talking with her. I feel safe and supported and know she will always be a wealth of information when we chat.
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